Commission and Advisory Board

Commission Members

1. His Excellency Professor Dr. Rt. Rev. Adewale Ronald Tunde Solarin PhD - FMAN, FPNGMS, FNMS, Former Director/CEO, National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria; Honorary President, African Mathematical Union (AMU), COMSATS Distinguished Professor of Mathematics ; Former Member, Scientific Board, IBSP-UNESCO, Paris ; Chairman, Board of Trustees, Association of Nigerian Women in Mathematics, Bishop - Worldwide Anglican Church in Kampala - Uganda Nigeria & Africa 2. His Excellency Lord Bishop Rt Rev. Seun Adeoye, Lead Bishop, The Worldwide Anglican Church, Director of PublicityDirector of Publicity, World Bishops Council Africa, Presiding Prelate Sufficient Grace & Truth Ministries (SGTM), Director of MediaDirector of Media, Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, Degrees in Politics and Government 3. His Lordship Chancellor Bishop of Colorado George S Mentz JD MBA DSS - Worldwide Anglican Church USA Offices (Commissioner from US White House and State/City Commissions on Police, Fire, and Airports. 4. The Lord of Ennerdale - Cumberland Copeland 5. Lord Stoborough - Liberty of Ancient Wessex Dorsetshire 6. His Grace, The Most Rev. Dr. ArchBishop Akinbode Oke - Archbishop of the WAC Wordwide Anglican Chuch - House of Bishops

Our High Commissioners and Good Will Ambassadors are world recognized experts

and influencers in the areas of law, science, diplomacy, leadership, philosophy &

spirituality. Join today to become part of our international educational and

conference network.

We are seeking to expand a the commission for 2022. If you want to join as a commissioner, good will ambassador, or join our Board of Governors, please email your resume to Many Thanks and Regards, Chairman and Commissioner Chancellor George S Mentz, JD MBA CILS CWM

The Commission was initiated in 1996 by the original founders of the Graduate

Leadership Society, the Institute for International Professional Analysts, and Tax Law

Review . The founders of our Commission are CEOs, Executives, Professors, Leaders,

and Industry experts from around the globe.

We meet twice per year to propose new government policies, ideas, and other

insights to nations, NGOs, agencies and leading global companies. We seek

harmony, freedom, peace and prosperity for all nations. While discussions during

our educational and speaker sessions are not reported publicly, the list of dignitaries

adivsors and commissioners attending is usually available. Distinguished members

attending are always careful to insist that they participate as individuals and not as

representatives of their government.

Our VIP executive education standards are based on to ISO standards and

accredited degree programs and assessments from the best business, law, & other

degree programs. Thus, our education, speaker, and certification standards are

unmatched, and we confer designations to qualified professionals, managers and

executives who have earned accredited degree education and passed accredited

program exams. Fortune and Tech 500 CEOs, heads of state and other influential

people of the world are routinely invited to the yearly conference which is dedicated

to lifting up education and quality of living for all nations.

Sincerely and Kindest Regards, Commissioner George Mentz, JD MBA CILS CWM Chairman and Gen. Counsel of the Anglican Commission
Angican Commission
© Anglican Commission

Commission Members

1. The Lady of Stowborough 2. Baroness Longford & Annaly, Captain of Ardagh, Ireland 3. Seigneur of Fief de Blondel et Fief de L'Eperon, USA 4. Commissioner George Mentz, JD MBA CWM - Counselor of Law

Our High Commissioners and Good Will Ambassadors are world

recognized experts and influencers in the areas of law, science,

diplomacy, leadership, philosophy & spirituality. Join today to

become part of our international educational and conference


We are seeking to expand a the commission for 2022. If you want to join as a commissioner, good will ambassador, or join our Board of Governors, please email your resume to Many Thanks and Regards, Chairman and Commissioner George S Mentz, JD MBA CILS CWM

The Commission was initiated in 1996 by the original founders of the

Graduate Leadership Society, the Institute for International

Professional Analysts, and Tax Law Review . The founders of our

Commission are CEOs, Executives, Professors, Leaders, and Industry

experts from around the globe.

We meet twice per year to propose new government policies, ideas,

and other insights to nations, NGOs, agencies and leading global

companies. We seek harmony, freedom, peace and prosperity for all

nations. While discussions during our educational and speaker

sessions are not reported publicly, the list of dignitaries adivsors and

commissioners attending is usually available. Distinguished

members attending are always careful to insist that they participate

as individuals and not as representatives of their government.

Our VIP executive education standards are based on to ISO

standards and accredited degree programs and assessments from

the best business, law, & other degree programs. Thus, our

education, speaker, and certification standards are unmatched, and

we confer designations to qualified professionals, managers and

executives who have earned accredited degree education and

passed accredited program exams. Fortune and Tech 500 CEOs,

heads of state and other influential people of the world are routinely

invited to the yearly conference which is dedicated to lifting up

education and quality of living for all nations.